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On June 6th, Sterling’s President Rama Kavaliauskas spoke as a panelist at the VIA Velocity event, “A Journey in the Male World,” along with other panelists, Linda Lundquist, Supply Chain Manager at Catepillar, and Carol Nunkovich, VP of Operations at Import Logistics. The panel was moderated by Laurie Swanson, Owner of Laso Corporation, who also contributed to the discussion.

Each panelist provided suggestions to the group on ways to improve themselves as female leaders. Rama Kavaliauskas highlighted three key qualities that are important for a woman to develop in a male-dominated or non-traditional role. She calls these, “The Three C’s.”

Capabilities – Qualifications, education and/or experience.
Confidence – that you are great at what you do even if at times you know that you may not be as strong as someone else you do not let them know your weaknesses.
Commitment – that you are committed and you have the passion to succeed.

Some suggestions made by other panelists included building confidence, working hard, and being able to find a balance between personal and professional life. They also made recommendations for up and coming leaders on ways to take that next step in order to be a successful female leader like taking leadership and etiquette classes, and improving writing skills.


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