Case Study


Innovative Product Packaging – Gum Container Design

The Challenge – Packaging Engineering 

Client: Food Manufacturer
Objective: Food Packaging Design, Prototyping 

A worldwide gum manufacturer needed to develop the next-generation bulk packaging container based on feedback from consumer focus groupsAlthough the client had marketing and industrial design expertise, the client did not have the engineering talent required to combine the different design concepts into a single working prototype and eventually into a fully designed product that could be produced in a 32-cavity mold.  

gum container product packaging design

Our Solution

Sterling Engineering met with the client to review the feedback from the focus groups. The team developed 20 concept designs in SolidWorks and 3D printed 14 prototype containers that were used in the next round of focus group meetings.  The best features identified by the focus groups were combined into a final design and a full engineering documentation set.  


The Results

Solidworks models and drawings were used to fabricate a 32-cavity production moldThe client protected the design with a patent, the packaging container was launched in 2006 and is still being used today.  

Project Duration

19 Weeks

Project Size

Design $38K
Product $100M+

Project Team

2 Engineers

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