A Guide for Engineering and Technical Talent

Taking time away from work for personal reasons can happen to anyone. But returning to work after an extended absence, especially for technical and engineering talent, can feel overwhelming. With technology and processes evolving rapidly in these fields, quickly getting back up to speed is essential. This guide will provide some helpful tips to smooth the transition back to work.

Don’t Rush the Return
Trying to get caught up on everything all at once can be overly stressful and set you up for burnout. Start by scheduling a limited number of work hours each day or week, and then gradually increase as you feel more confident. This pace will give you time to readjust and ensure you’re performing at your best once you get back to your full-time schedule.

Update Your Knowledge
Take some time to learn about the latest advances in technology and software that pertain to your field. Online courses or attending seminars and conferences can help you catch up on the latest skills. Reach out to colleagues and ask them to provide any resources or information that can get you up to speed on new tools or processes.

Re-establish Working Relationships
You may have lost touch with colleagues, clients, or vendors while away from work, so it’s essential to take time to re-establish professional relationships. Reach out to key contacts and seek ways to reconnect. Network and attend industry events or professional organization meetings to help rebuild those relationships and make new contacts.

Be Flexible
You may have to adjust your expectations or routines once back on the job. Embrace this change and be open to trying new things. Consider flexible working hours, such as working from home occasionally, to help you ease back into the workplace. Take time to adjust to company culture, policies, or work expectations changes.

Seek Support
Returning to work after an absence can be physically and mentally challenging. Don’t hesitate to contact colleagues, managers, or mentors for guidance and support. Taking care of your well-being should be a priority, as it will help you to handle better work commitments and any stress that comes with them.

Work with a Recruitment Firm

If you’re not returning to a previous position, partnering with a recruitment firm specializing in engineering and technical roles, like Sterling, can be valuable. We deeply understand the industry and its requirements and maintain networks of companies looking for talent. Sterling can help match your skills and experience to current job opportunities, streamlining the job search process. Moreover, our recruiters can offer advice on updating your resume and preparing for interviews, providing tailored guidance based on the latest industry trends and employer expectations. Trusting a professional recruitment firm can take some weight off your shoulders, allowing you to focus mentally and emotionally on preparing for your return to work. Discover the benefits of working with Sterling.

In conclusion, while returning to work after an extended absence may seem daunting, remember that it’s a journey that doesn’t need to be traveled alone. Consider all available resources, from online courses to recruitment agencies, to smooth your transition back into the workforce. Take each day as it comes and prioritize your well-being. With patience, flexibility, and the proper support, you’ll find your footing again in no time.

Job Search


Pamela O’Donnell, Marketing Manager, podonnell@sterling-engineering.com


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